Aortic Hope would like to express our sincere gratitude to Maryanne Leister for her incredible work as our Treasurer the past 3 years. She has become more like family and a very invested part of the aortic community. We know she isn't far from our hearts❤️
Beginning in 2024, we would like to welcome Nicole Blackburn as our newest board member and treasurer! We are extremely pleased and excited to see how Nicole can take Aortic Hope into the future. Welcome to the team. Here are some words from Nicole:
"I earned my Accounting bachelor's degree with honors from the University of Maryland, University College in 2018. Beginning my career in public accounting, I realized my background in business management suited me for private, corporate accounting. I transitioned to a staff accounting role in Baltimore, advancing quickly to Senior.
Simultaneously, I pursued my CPA, obtaining the license in 2020. Venturing into the fintech startup realm, I held lead accounting roles at Rocket Money and most recently, Rillet. I enjoy the challenges and ambiguity that comes with building a company from the beginning.
I am married with a 16-year-old daughter and a lively three-year-old lab. Among my hobbies, I enjoy indoor cycling and consistently refining my lifestyle and challenging myself to continue learning and leveling up. I am excited to be part of the Aortic Hope team and drive the foundation forward."
Please extend a warm welcome to Nicole...