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Survivor Series Featuring Anthony Huskey

While at work, 6-23-1994, it felt like a red hot sword went right through my chest, then I felt something progress inside next to my backbone, the squeak, tear sounded to me like when you pull a shuck off of a cob of corn.

I went into my shop, sat down and got my radio...started trying to breath deep, started sweating.


 About then my coworker came in and he asked 'what's wrong"? I said I think I need you to go to first aid.

We walked there, and by then I'm getting kind of incoherent and gotta go number 2 severely. I tried to leave the bathroom and couldn't button my pants. My legs are starting to sting severly. As they lay me on a bed, I start screaming from leg pain. I'm hyperventilating and they called an ambulance. I'm getting combative and hallucinating. I thought my dog, Tippy was under the table.

At the hospital, it's a whirlwind. My legs are dark blue. I'm kinda outta my mind. They told us they thought I had eaten a bad ham sandwich. Bowels dumping, incoherent, combative, hyperventilating. They put me in a room and knocked me out

Next I remember, I was gray in color and laboring to breath. I can't lay down, I can't breath.

A lady with a machine starts an echo on me. I watch her face, she looks from screen to me, back to screen, then jumps up and runs out. In a short time, the room is full of people. They snatch me up and run the bed down the hall. I'm sitting up, hanging onto the rails and the cover over AC control gets knocked off by my hand. They paused and I said, "I'll be ok, just fix whatever is wrong". Then in the cold operating room a guy trying to put IV in my left wrist is shaking so bad he can't do it. Another guy in cammo scrubs pushes him outta the way, throws back the sheet and stabs my left groin. I'm out.

It was really, really bad. Critical in ICU for days. Finally got told what was going on. As things start coming back to me, it's like a dream, or is it real?

I remember looking down from the corner of the operating room at doctors working on a person on table, then poof, I remember seeing my grandad and he was seriously speaking into a bright light that I couldn't directly look at. He was saying over and over, "it's not this boys time yet". I've got to stop right now, I'm starting to cry and can't type, I love you all.

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