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Live Survivor Series featuring Jack Crowe Saturday, August 12th 5pm EST


We are very excited to feature survivor and founder of the Facebook page, Aortic Athletes, Jack Crowe for our LIVE Survivor Series, Saturday, August 12th at 5pm EST on our YouTube channel. Jack will be available to answer any questions you may have during this event.

❤ Jack Crowe has been an aortic dissection survivor since January 2021, when he dissected, at 60 years old, in the wilderness near his cabin in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. He had emergency open heart surgery several days later in rural northern Wisconsin to replace to ascending aorta. He had follow up open heart surgery six months later at Cleveland Clinic to replace the aortic arch.

Prior to dissection, he had worked as Executive Director of Year Up Chicago, a work force development not for profit. He was also a founder of Cristo Rey Jesuit High School and Christ the King Jesuit College Prep, where students from low income neighborhoods work at large corporations to earn their tuition.

Before his not for profit career, he was a partner at Winston & Strawn, a large law firm in Chicago.

Pre-dissection, Jack was an Ironman triathlete, marathon runner, and endurance cyclist. Post dissection, he continues to actively bike, jog and open water swim. He is also participating in a first of its kind post-aortic dissection exercise study.

For over thirty years he has been married to his wife Ave Zuccarino. They have two adult children, Chiara and Rian.

In early 2023, he helped start a new Facebook support group called Aortic Athletes.

Jack is also a Hope Ambassador and will be conducting some Live Q&A events with physicians to address some topics such as EXERCISE!

⭐ Be the shining star in someone's life by submitting your story of survival or caring for someone with Aortic disease.

❤️ We really want to know about the symptoms that were experienced and the process of diagnosis.

We will be sharing your video or blog with Think Aorta US and use it as a tool to show Emergency Room Physicians and First Responders why it is so important to Think about the Aorta. If you would be interested in sharing your story, complete this form.

The Aortic Hope Survivor Video and Blog Series form allows Aortic Hope to collect basic information for Survivor Series video and blog participants. This information will not be shared with anyone except the Aortic Hope administrative members. Videos and blogs submitted to Aortic Hope are used solely for the purpose of sharing with others; no monetary payment will be made.

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