❓ Have you or a loved one been diagnosed with a thoracic aortic aneurysm or dissection?
✨ If you have or your loved one has, the John Ritter Research Program would love for you take part in a research study.
👉 Doctors and scientists have only identified about 20% of the genes that cause aortic aneurysms and acute aortic dissections to be inherited in families. Furthermore, studies are just beginning to look at the role of genetics in patients who have had an aortic dissection but do not have a family history.
❗ These research studies aim to learn more about the genes that cause people to have aortic aneurysms and acute aortic dissections. Further identification of the genes that cause people to have these conditions will increase our ability to identify who is at risk and provide information on how to better diagnose and manage aortic and vascular diseases.
👍To learn more about our ongoing studies, please contact our genetic counselor by email (JRRP.research@uth.tmc.edu). More information can also be found on the Aortic Hope website