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It's Therapeutic Thursday!

Today is Therapeutic Thursday at Aortic Hope!

🤝 In case you weren't aware, Aortic Hope offers Support Group Meetings in a virtual environment not only for patients but also for caregivers and for those who are grieving the loss of a loved one to Aortic Disease. What makes our meetings special is they are moderated by other patients, caregivers and individuals who have lost loved ones. We occasionally have guest speakers as well.

❓ Why are support groups important? Not only do support groups offer individuals an opportunity to meet either in-person or online, but they have a chance to share their stories, feel validated by what they hear and become empowered to ask questions of their own physicians. Support group meetings are never to be used as a means for medical advise or in substitute for what is discussed between yourself and your physician. It is a forum for sharing experiences.

As described by the Mayo Clinic in their article, Support Groups: Make connections, get help, "The common experience among members of a support group often means they have similar feelings, worries, everyday problems, treatment decisions or treatment side effects. Participating in a group provides you with an opportunity to be with people who are likely to have a common purpose and likely to understand one another.

Benefits of participating in a support group may include:

  • Feeling less lonely, isolated or judged

  • Reducing distress, depression, anxiety or fatigue

  • Talking openly and honestly about your feeling

  • Improving skills to cope with challenges

  • Staying motivated to manage chronic conditions or stick to treatment plans

  • Gaining a sense of empowerment, control or hope

  • Improving understanding of a disease and your own experience with it

  • Getting practical feedback about treatment options

  • Learning about health, economic or social resources"

To view the complete article, click here.

❤ Here are links to Aortic Hope's support groups. You only need to register once and you will receive an email prior to the event with a link to join via Microsoft Teams.

Patient Support - click HERE

Caregivers ONLY Support - click HERE

Bereavement Support - click HERE

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