Today is Find Everyone Friday!
🤔 Creating awareness is a cornerstone for Aortic Hope. This doesn't just mean awareness of Aortic Disease but also awareness within our community of the organizations that are available to you!
💲 501c3 charitable organizations are run by the generosity of others and your donations are tax deductible This means some or all of your donations are used to fund the organization's initiatives.
🎗 Aortic Hope, Inc is a 501c3 that uses 100% of donations received towards their initiatives within the community. We have an open main page but also offer a closed private forum that welcomes anyone, caregivers only forum and a private grief only page.
🔗 Clicking THIS LINK provides other 501c3 organizations as well as Facebook groups that are available to provide insightful conversation pertaining to aortic disease, help answer questions, provide information on what is going on within the community and offer support to other organizations' goals. There are also a few that work hard to offer an outlet for creativity and a healthy escape from the disease.