Today is National Stress Awareness Day!
The largest concept to integrate is that we can learn to live relaxed. Living a relaxed lifestyle enables us to create a reality every day that we do not need to escape from. Constant input from the universe, society, and our own self-care choices can contribute to our wellness… or our un-wellness.
Some options for living relaxed… A journey through the senses!
Relaxation and Grounding Techniques...Katie Moran, LMT
👃 Scent:
-Some Sedative Aromatherapy: Chamomile, Clary Sage, Frankincense, Jasmine, Lavender, Mandarin, Marjoram, Melissa, Neroli, Rose, Valerian, Ylang Ylang
-Pranayama (conscious breath) Alternate nostril breathing and cooling breath (boat tongue) are a couple of techniques.
👀 Sight:
-Create a clutter-free environment at home and at work.
-Experience nature… place a photo of nature somewhere you will see it often.
-Light a candle to set the ambiance for yourself.
👅 Taste:
-The ambiance and calm consciousness while eating set space for sacred nourishment.
-A routine of when we eat and regulating how much we eat is important for a regular and relaxed digestive system.
-Eat a balanced diet of anti-inflammatory foods.
-Drink more H20!!!!!!
✋ Touch:
-Abhyanga aka Self-massage helps to gently move lymph in towards the lymph nodes… Use an oil that feels good for you and the season. Move from distal to medial.
-Restorative Yoga, Practice moving into comfort… rest and digest.
-Reiki is a great self-care tool for relaxation
👂 Sound:
-Positive self-talk… Affirmations in the mirror WITH eye contact AND conviction!!! Example: “I am enough”
-Calm music, nature sounds, and vibrational sound therapy, also… silence is golden.