Aortic Hope would like to welcome Daunte Barnett as our new Community Liaison. Daunte has a special way of sharing his story through comedy as he is a comedian, among many things! Duante will be bringing awareness to the community through a variety of comedy shows and hopefully, podcasts in the future.
Duante is a 43 year survivor of aortic dissection. He was a comedian, sports analyst, security guard and podcaster all within 24 hours of his incident. He hails from Seattle, WA, but is moving to Honolulu, HI in May.
He went from being on his 3rd date with his girlfriend to waking up from a femoral bypass only to be told he would need a quad bypass the following day. In a 24 hour time period, he had an emergency femoral bypass followed by an emergency quadruple bypass the next day. In addition, he had surgery for an aortic dissection that took place during or right after the femoral bypass. He went into the hospital on the 16th and was discharged on the 29th due to a lot of willpower. He tries to laugh off and joke about the trauma he has been through. You can find him on SuitMan Productions on YouTube to see some of his humor.
Please welcome Duante.