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Aortic Hope's Live Q&A with Joanna Ten-Kate from Global Heart Hub Monday, July 15th at 12pm EST


Join Aortic Hope as we welcome Joanna Ten-Kate, Patient Community Engagement and Development Lead with Global Heart Hub on Monday, July 15th at 12pm EST on our YouTube channel.

Joanna Ten-Kate is an experienced advocate and organizer. She received a MSc in Public Policy and Administration from the London School of Economics, and her work in federal and state government in the US provided key experience in policymaking, coalition building, and legislative tracking and analysis. After transitioning to the non-profit sector in the US, Joanna specialized in the development and delivery of policy training and coaching, alongside her work in community organizing and advocacy.

Now with Global Heart Hub, an international alliance of heart patient organizations and advocates (including Aortic Hope), Joanna works to organize and support our Affiliate community, and uses her training experience to lead GHH’s Academy. This includes welcoming and onboarding new affiliates, creating and delivering resources and support, and delivering engaging programming to our global community.

Learn more about this amazing organization whose goal is to help educate and support those of us who are here to support YOU. If you ever thought about an additional way to help advocate for others within the community, listen in for ways to become involved today.

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