Upcoming Events |
times are US East
​Monday the 13th @3PM: Aortic Hope's Week in Review with Carin Andersen
Tuesday the 14th @6:30PM: Aortic Hope's Ask A Dr
Tuesday the 14th @10PM: Aortic Hope's Support Group Meeting
​​​Sunday the 19th @12:30PM: Aortic Hope's Qigong with Kevin Songer
Monday the 20th @3PM: Aortic Hope's Week in Review with Molly Thomas
Monday the 20th @8PM: Aortic Hope's Caregivers Support Group Meeting
Thursday the 23rd @6PM: The Aortic Kitchen with Chef Robb & Mindy
​Sunday the 26th @12:30PM: Aortic Hope's Qigong with Kevin Songer
Monday the 27th @3PM: Aortic Hope's Week in Review with Tammy Warner
​​Wednesday the 29th @7PM: Aortic Hope's Virtual Support Group Meeting​
Thursday the 30th @7PM: Aortic Hope & Aortic Athletes present Michael LoPresti
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